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  Kurouti Sabaki Walnut handle Blue1 steel

  黒打 サバキ クルミ柄 青一



  Blue1 steel is as hard as Super blue steel. 

  Because it is easy to crack during quenching, 

  the yield is very low, 

  so the craftsmen who use Blue1 steel to produce knives are all skilled craftsmen. 

  Therefore, many people like Blue1 steel better than Super blue steel. 

  They think the knife of Blue1 steel is more valuable. 

  Sabaki is the fishermen's favorite knife, 

  because it has the functions of Deba and yanagi, 

  so you don't need to bring Deba and yanagi when you go fishing. 


Product No

    200092 105mm

    200093 120mm

    200094 135mm

    200096 165mm



PRICE 105mm \8,580

      120mm \9,603 

      135mm \10,494 

      165mm \13,810 


Transportation costs ¥4,500


BLADE Super blue steel

Kurouti Sabaki Walnut handle Blue1 steel

SKU: 054

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